Worst Web Design Mistakes

11 Worst Web Design Mistakes Which Are Sending Your Readers Away.

In this shining era of web development and designing, people are trying hard to design the best-looking website.

But there are many things which can annoy your readers. Whether you’re a blogger or a developer, you should always take care of users’ experience.

Whenever you hire a web designer, make sure that you know about the worst web design mistakes so that you can save your website.

No one wants a website with the bad design.

Would you like to visit a website again if everything about it annoys you?

Well, I don’t think so. In this article, you will have a list of the mistakes which shouldn’t be done while designing your website.

Common Web Design Mistakes Which Should Be Avoided.

You may be thinking about the design of the famous blogs or a website which has the perfect white space and no irritating content.

Let me provide you the list of bad web design.

#1. Those Unwanted Popups.

No one likes to see the popups the second he lands to any website.

A few people use the newsletter subscription popups which are really annoying. People are here to read the content.

If they will be willing to receive the newsletter, they will sign up themselves.

Though the popups appear after a quarter of the content can work fine. But if you show those boxes at the first place than your content then no one would want to visit your website again.

#2. Unstructured Layout.

Before you even choose any WordPres theme, you should always look for the structure of its layout.

It should be perfect with the proper width proportion.

You have noticed a few website having two layouts of the different heights. They really look unprofessional.

Think about the type of website you want and then decide the design.

#3. Those Flying Advertisements.

Just like popups, many people focus on the money making and they flash their ads at every single page, many times.

Above and below the title, one after paragraph, two in between the content, one after the author box and more.

Your readers get confused from where they should read.

This is one of the worst web design mistakes anyone can ever make.

#4. Confusing Navigation.

It’s not necessary that your readers land on the home page of your website. For a better design, you should always provide the best navigation.

At some websites, people get confused and can’t get any idea about visiting anywhere else.

Interlinking is the best thing to do. But sometimes, web designers change the link color and your readers don’t even see those links.

#5. No White Spacing.

Some websites are so crowded that their readers don’t get any idea about the content.

Have you visited any website where you have to concentrate so much to distinguish between the starting and ending of the article?

Well, this is something people don’t appreciate. Tell your web designer to add proper white space.

White space doesn’t mean, you show 1000px of space between two lines.

#6. Unwanted Sounds By Autoplay Videos.

It’s really annoying when you visit any website and something starts playing and you don’t know what’s that.

After a few up and down scroll, you see an autoplay video which should be paused.

I remember in my starting days when I had to find the video for a few seconds and it was in the footer area of the website.

It was hilarious. I was laughing for many minutes.

#7. No Info About The Company or The Blog.

When someone visits your website, the first thing is to know more about your blog or company.

No one trusts a place with no identity. If you’re a blogger then add your picture anywhere on your blog. People want to know you.

If you’re designing a company website then make sure that you design a better-looking about us page. It should consist the history and the current status of that company.

#8. Overwhelming Colors.

It’s always recommended to have at most three colors in the perfect design of a website. No one wants a multi-color website.

Though it’s the matter of personal choice but still, professionals don’t recommend those shiny colored design.

Guide your web designer about the color choices and never let him make the worst web design mistakes.

#9. That Pitchy Background Music.

Apart from videos, many website designers add the audios which run in the background.

And the hard part is that you can’t find those files anywhere. Sometimes, you just close that website and bang, the list of your non-visiting websites has one more.

Just a few days ago, I was trying to download a software and suddenly a latin song began to play. I search for the audio player, but couldn’t.

Now the website owner may be waiting for me.

#10. You Think Re-designing Can Solve Everything.

It’s not easy as you think. If you have a website with the full of content then it’s not possible to redesign it.

It’s not just about changing the colors, it’s about altering everything.

Do you know what would happen after changing your WordPress theme? One simple code can mismatch everything.

#11. Flooding of Social Media Buttons.

People try to get the exposure to their blog posts by adding more and more social media buttons. Well, this isn’t a good idea.

Choose the platforms you are focusing on.

And the most important thing is to place the icons at the appropriate place. Don’t be everywhere.

What Are You Going To Do To Fix Those Worst Web Design Mistakes?

Every time I visit any website, I look for the designing.

If you’re a WordPress user then you should know that many theme providers are there with the perfect themes.

You can choose any theme according to the niche of your blog. You can’t use a magazine theme for a blog.

People try hard to find the best web designers who can provide an amazing website to them. Well, look around, check the work, clear your doubts and then hire someone.

Avoid the above-mentioned worst web design mistakes and design an eye-catching website.

If you need a web designer then you can contact me.

Connect with on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Glad to read your interesting post and I totally agree with your amazing points – they have really potential to fix issue related to web design. Today, everyone wants to be perfect when it comes to their website because it is considered as best tool to maximize earning. Sometimes, it is commonly seen that web designers forget that the website wasn’t created for themselves but it to solve user’s needs.

    Unwanted Popups can be really a reason to bounce from site – From my experience we should be careful regarding popups. While designing a website we need to keep it simple for convenient of readers or users. Eventually, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

    With best regards,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      The website design is something everyone craves. People try to find the right web designers but forget about the mistakes.

      Everyone is fed up of the popups but still, many people are making the same mistake.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks a lot for telling about these mistakes many commit in the initial stage of their blogging.

    The number 1 in the list, Pop-ups are really an irritating thing, I really wonder why and how some top brasses in the field still keep pop-ups on their pages. I heard that Google is going to take some kind of action about such sites who keeps many pop-ups.

    Good that you shared this alert post.

    Keep writing

    Keep sharing

    Have a great day

    ~ Philip

    1. Hey Philip,

      You’re right. Google is going to take some serious actions for the websites which are full of popups. I have read such articles in detail.

      Having a website with the better design is always considered to be more attractive than a simple one.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    You are very true that we must take care of the user experience first, as the search engines are also gradually putting more efforts on that.

    Along with the other designing mistakes, not having a clear navigation can increase the bounce rate to a huge extent.

    Also as you said, redesigning can not address every issue. So it is better to decide on a clear template and customize as needed.

    Thank you for sharing. Take care and have a great day ?

    1. Hi Manidipa,

      For a host, the first thing is to care about how his/her users are going to feel at his/her place. Well, the same thing goes for the bloggers.

      They need to find a clean theme which can give an alluring design to the blog.

      Redesigning isn’t the solution to everything. Sometimes, the initial actions show their results.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your words.


  4. Hello Ravi,

    You have listed almost all of those which irritate me. Flying ads, popping up banners, autoplay audio video, these piss me off.

    Thanks for pointing these out.

    1. Hey Atish,

      Just like you, I hate when I have to find for the autoplay videos and audios on any website to shut them down.

      It’s really annoying to get the unwanted things. Having a clean design is what people should prefer.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.


  5. Excellent list Ravi! I have read so many tips on how pop-ups work but as a reader, they make me crazy. Recently I visited the website of someone who is touted as being at the top of A-Lister entrepreneurs when it comes to growing a business online. Before I ever managed to get through half of the cover article I was hit with no less than 4 pops coming at different times from different directions. I left without finishing the article and swore I’d never return. Obviously, this strategy works for this person, and apparent at least some others, but I will never understand it, nor will I ever employ it. Thanks for sharing your smart advice!

    1. Hey Marquita,

      It happens all the time. Even many reputed websites are using the popups. From a user’s perspective, I would never recommend anyone to use the popup. One may be good only at the end of the article.

      There are many other things which are really annoying for a user.

      Thanks for sharing your experience with us.


  6. Hi Ravi. I read this post with interest. I started over last summer with a whole new blog, and it took awhile to get the look I wanted. I love my theme, which I discovered in the late fall.

    Your #1 is kind of controversial. I’ve heard that popups work and that they don’t. I’ve set mine so that it doesn’t pop up constantly – just once per visit. I’m still experimenting. Thank you for your insights.

    1. Hey Deedee,

      It’s debatable how popups work. You can think as a user. Suppose you visit a website and before even start reading you get bombarded with the popup, how would be your experience?

      I won’t think, you would like to read if another popup strikes you.

      I have tried. No result.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.


  7. For a blog to shine in this internet market web development and designing plays a significant role. A blogger must surely take of all these designs. Every blogger thinks they Need to maintain a good website. But in our busy researching schedule, we will forget to see this designs. But every blogger surely needs to check this issue and fix it Asap to maximize their earning. Thanks for your insight.

    1. Sathish,

      To run a perfect blog, you should know the importance of a good web design. Most of the people make these web design mistakes.

      Keep them in your mind and have an attractive website.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  8. Hi Ravi Chahar,

    Your marked mistakes are really very worst for making the best website. It is right that maximum web designer mistake those 11 mistakes. I agree with you that people know more social media button is good, But it is not good for a professional website. Happy reading your article.

    1. Hey Bob,

      I am glad that you could resonate to these points. Web design is crucial and people make mistakes.

      Annoying your readers isn’t the best thing you can do.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  9. About the first point Ravi, I believe Google is now discouraging the use of uncontrolled and certain type of pop up boxes as well. So too many pop ups now go against your SEO efforts. Nice article.

    1. Hey Imran,

      Whether you consider it from SEO point of view or the user experience, it;s bad for both. No one likes those annoying popups.

      I never read the websites with those.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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